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Our Platform

What we stand for

Our Platform: Programs

Proliferation of Transit

Transit is the foundation of any economy. Currently, the transit systems in the New York area are all being overhauled through improvement projects and systems upgrades. However, the conversation needs to include increases in service  as more options. We'll be pushing these agencies to explore all possible avenues of route creation and overhead shortening.



A primary goal of all transit systems should be to lower, not raise, fares. Fare systems are pricing people out of their communities and forcing people to make the decision between saddling themselves with the recurring debt of car ownership or moving all together. We will always fight to ensure transit systems avoid fare hikes at all costs.



NYYTAC believes in broadcasting information and policy issues as widely as possible. This ensures engagement with the issues and leads to sound policy making. We're committed to broadcasting all of the publicly available movements in transit policy as well as hosting open forums to discuss issues.



NYYTAC is ardent in its pursuit of achieving a world of transportation that benefits everyone. This includes our disabled friends and neighbors. We'll continue to fight for the addition of elevators at all stations, and the proliferation of features like tactile pavement, colored pathways, and higher-contrast signage.

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